
I'm Jenny

I am a third-year student at UCSD majoring in Math and Economics and minoring in Computational Social Science. I have interest and experience in data science, data analytics in the tech and business industry.

About Me

Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, I have grown to embrace some of the Pacific Northwest characteristics such as the coffee culture, the beautiful gifts that nature has provided, and the diverse interests that each individual possesses.

I enjoy combining and utilizing my different interests and skills to discover a pathway. At UCSD, I study math, economics, and data science. With a passion for numbers, a keen interest in data and analysis, and skills in problem solving, I find joy in uncovering insights and patterns that drive informed decision-making. My fascination with the power of data and its ability to shape our understanding of the world has inspired me to pursue a career where I can leverage my analytical skills to make a meaningful impact.

What I am up to...

Undergraduate Research Assistant - Academia
July 2023 - present
I am currently engaged in a research project that delves into the matching theory on the design of centralized school admission systems worldwide. These systems have become integral to most large school districts in the US, yet the precise workings of the assignment algorithms remain unclear. By conducting a comprehensive qualitative study by analyzing and summarizing factors such as neighborhood prioritization, sibling preferences, and application restrictions, I strive to provide a deeper understanding of the complexities involved in centralized school admissions.
Former Team Chinese Taipei Figure Skater - Figure Skating

For over 13 years, I have constantly pushed the limits of athleticism and artistry in the sport of figure skating. This journey has been complemented by the great honor of representing Team Chinese Taipei on the international stage. This opportunity has allowed me to travel the world to places such as Seoul, Warsaw, and Montreal. That unwavering dedication for practice and improvement continues to shape my approach as an analyst, leading with a discerning perspective and problem solving way of thinking.

In college, I continue to share my life-long passion with fellow collegiate figure skaters as I join the UCSD figure skating team serving as the fundraising chair.

Curious Adventurer - Adventures
Recently, I went on a two week trip to Europe where I visited Italy, Turkey, Vatican City, and six islands in Greece. My memories there remain new and exciting in my mind as I have done things I never expected to do. From holding a friendly conversation with a local who speaks only in a language I aspire to learn, to walking down the cliff of Santorini with a line of donkeys, I cherish these memories close to my heart.
Professional Profile - More...
Feb 2016 - Mar 2017
To see more of my past and present experiences, view my LinkedIn profile!


UES Externship + Econference Data Analysis
Python Pandas PowerBI Tableau
UES Externship + Econference Data Analysis
Creating surveys to collect data after two majors events hosted by UES for the team to analyze the data using Python. Organized data visualizations through Power BI and Tableau and presented our findings and suggestions to the executive board of UES at the end of the year.
Instagram Food Blog
Instagram Food Blog
(@yummy.diary1) is an ongoing project I started amidst the covid lockdown in 2020 when I discovered my inner foodie and wanted to bridging my Taiwanese roots to the rest of the world. Through enticing visuals and captivating storytelling, I explore diverse cuisines, from restaurant experiences to homemade food to paid partnerships.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!